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This community is to support Freedom everywhere. Freedom of speech, press, petition, religion, etc. When the big bad government steps in, and tried to take our rights away, somebody has to step to the plate and fight back. That's what this community is all about: supporting those who fight for the little guy -- for the truth seekers -- for the small, yet mighty warriors who fight for American freedom! If we don't fight, we will get silenced by the all-mighty big brother -- NEVER STOP FIGHTING!
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Full Weekend of Streams?!

No, thank you..... lol

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DK some of you know what that means. Others of you may know the old British song The World Turned Upside Down. These last two weeks are utterly flabbergasting. Put on your seat belts.
-Mr EntryReqrd

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#JudicialConduct #Law #Georgia

Judge Gone Wild! Why a GA Judge was booted from office for outrageous misconduct

Inside The Law - Phil Holloway

--(6) Judge Gone Wild! Why a GA Judge was booted from office for outrageous misconduct - YouTube

-RETRIEVED-Mon Jul 08 2024 07:22:30 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)

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